Megi Savova
Dear friends,the pageant "Mrs. Bulgaria" is the only forum in Bulgaria that gives the opportunity to the married woman, to prove that the wife, mother and woman are worthy for admiration and take a serious place in the business community.
In the competition for the title "Mrs. Bulgaria" can participate all married woman over the age of 18. All they have to do is send a short CV, two actual pictures, a motivational letter on the subject "Why I want to be a part of the big family of Mrs. Bulgaria" and a phone number that we can reach them until the 10th of October each year.
Send all info on the e-mail address: missisbg@abv.bg. A jury of famous people and journalists will decided the fifteen finalists, that in the last Friday of October will take part in the gala spectacle for the title "Mrs. Bulgaria".
The winners will represent our country in international pageants.
Good luck to all the candidates! But lets not forget, the most important thing for the winners, holders of the title "Mrs. Bulgaria" is to work in the social activities and charity, because popularity first, is responsibility!
Best regards,
Megi Savova
Adress: 104, Stamboliyski Blvd., 1303 Sofia, Bulgaria
Mobile: +359 888 229 669
E-mail: megisavov@abv.bg